I have a problem with Zheng Cookery 小郑家常菜

I went online looking for any information relating to the Chinese beef broccoli dish 炒牛肉片西蘭花 .

Xī lánhuā chǎo ròupiàn

The internet gave me Zheng’s cookery channel: 小郑家常菜.

Today, according to YouTube.com, about 3160 YouTube account holders already subscribed to this cookery channel. For Youtube, they display the text: “西兰花炒肉片是一道经典家常菜,西兰花拥有极高的营养价值,富含膳食纤维,和肉片一起炒制,荤素搭配更合理,更营养健康。“

I had high hopes for the free video. However, I find it very difficult to view this Chinese-language video about broccoli beef (西兰花炒肉片).

Sometimes, whatever that’s being filmed is really unclear, blurred, it just looks like a mess. It is horrible. This is a nasty mess. I cannot see the food. This is hideous. Unfortunately, I believe the producer(s) of these cookery videos will need to spend more effort, more time, making the correct settings to use the video camera correctly, so while the cameraman shoots the video, at least what comes out will be clear.

This is very devastating to me. I can’t watch it. I know that the Chinese food itself is good. I am trying to explain this dish to friends of mine who are Russian, Uzbek, Belorussian, American, South African, and Dutch. But this video is horrible. I really struggle with it. I fail to use this video, for my friends. Unfortunately, it means that next time, I shall avoid seeing any video from Zheng Cookery小郑家常菜.

It may sound really condescending of me, but I hope they will learn to use the video camera to use it better.