Allegations have been made against a ‘Tony Wang’ of Prague

We know that communities from across Prague have received some complaints against a Chinese guy apparently based in Prague who is named ‘Tony Wang’, at least on facebook. This ‘Tony Wang’ seems to wear glasses and seems to be from Changchun.

He has been accused of harassing some other people while trying to get hold of some sort of an attractive woman. Are there some obscene details that I am not aware of? Did any law enforcement agencies of the Czech Republic ever get involved then?

I do not know who this ‘Tony Wang’ is. I never met him. He listed some basic information about himself on facebook.

I feel sad that people of Prague have felt distressed by him. Possibly there is a misunderstanding. I hope the ‘offended’ can possibly resolve these issues with the alleged harasser.

On Facebook – introduction of Tony Wang – works in 餐饮/旅游 restaurant catering/ tourism

Studied at 长春师范大学 some sort of a higher education institute in Changchun, China

Horrific hygiene violations in Prague’s Chinese restaurants

It has been said that:

I would say that , for the people from mainland China, who have come to the Czech Republic , who end up operating some kind of restaurant / catering business in Prague, there are some severe, very severe integration issues. 
Their unwillingness to ever integrate into Czech society in any way, the lack of sincerity+ goodwill towards local Czech people, their even worse problems in their immediate families, the lack of respect for Czech people, the lack of respect for other people in general, and it seems that their whatever education from mainland China or homeschooling never taught them to ever function in any society in any real way (?!? Sounds like too much of a sweeping generalisation??). And as for those ghastly chefing catering cookery certifications from mainland China, well, I am sorry to say, hygiene in mainland China is totally a piece of piss, it’s a fucking shocking joke. It does not exist. Just do an objective scientific test, for the test results to tell you the levels of bacteria lying there in the food! The laboratory will give you numbers. Facts and figures of the contamination. Do not take my word for it – just read those numbers from the food safety testing laboratory in Prague and you’ll be horrified. 
As for any possible personal insult(s) for the incompetent Chinese individual, that’s an…   … art? ?   ? … to insult.       (Possibly debatable)
I think Chinese people, ANY people, must not fuck with the Czech Republic, even though the Czech government itself seems to be so Kafkaesque. 
There are laws. Laws, in an imperfect system, but nevertheless, there are laws. Things can be enforced, the hard way. There are undoubtedly mechanisms and procedures for enforcement.
On a positive note, not every Chinese man in Prague is like that, not every Chinese woman in Prague is like that. There are law-abiding Chinese people in Prague who operate safe restaurant businesses in Prague, complying to every hygiene regulation and even offering tasty food for customers. Undoubtedly there is at least one case of dismal failure in Prague, but, just use your nose to sniff and use your eyes to see and you will probably be fine in Prague. There are successful Chinese restauranteurs in Prague, and some failed Chinese restauranteurs who are, well, dismal. 
[end of my rants and raves]

The following has been delivered to the owner of the Chinese takeaway/ restaurant:

隔壁鸡店老板和他们的伙子特别瞧不起你。因为你无能。连半句捷克语都说不了,连设计师跟你讲了二十分钟后,她啥都没有听懂。因为都是一派胡言。那些应该是捷克语的,都不是捷克语。ČSOB 银行的职员觉得你烦死了。我也觉得你烦死了。ČSOB的女职员说你完全语无伦次。
请你好自为之。希腊人已经跑到捷克共和国政府机关举报你餐厅不卫生, 满是苍蝇。罚款是迟早的事。你就去交罚款吧。谁要举报你,不关我的事。你不要以为客户瞎了眼睛,看不到。你连哪一个客户是当火车司机也说不出来。连布拉格该区的名称也都说不出来。问路的都问过了。 鸡店伙子就是说你你无能。还跟啤酒的捷克人聊起来了。说过好几十次的事儿都不懂,见过几百次的事儿都不懂。太慢了。

Traditional Chinese version of the text:

隔壁雞店老闆和他們的伙子特別瞧不起你。因為你無能。連半句捷克語都說不了,連設計師跟你講了二十分鐘後,她啥都沒有聽懂。因為都是一派胡言。那些應該是捷克語的,都不是捷克語。 ČSOB 銀行的職員覺得你煩死了。我也覺得你煩死了。 ČSOB的女職員說你完全語無倫次。
請你好自為之。希臘人已經跑到捷克共和國政府機關舉報你餐廳不衛生, 滿是蒼蠅。罰款是遲早的事。你就去交罰款吧。誰要舉報你,不關我的事。你不要以為客戶瞎了眼睛,看不到。你連哪一個客戶是當火車司機也說不出來。連布拉格該區的名稱也都說不出來。問路的都問過了。 雞店伙子就是說你你無能。還跟啤酒的捷克人聊起來了。說過好幾十次的事兒都不懂,見過幾百次的事兒都不懂。太慢了。