Krejcárek tram stop – problems with safety

And how about the tram? Between Krejcárek tram stop and Ohrada tram stop, there were four gypsies on the tram one night, a gypsy woman set fire to the jacket of a gypsy man. Then, two other gypsies laughed idly and hysterically. And then they were punching each other brutally. Despite the fact that I sat far away, over 6 metres away, I started screaming “Stop that!!!” I hopped off at Ohrada station, I did knock at the tram driver’s place and said to the tram driver that those people were ‘blazen’, but he simply responded “nemám čas”. So the tram left, did you expect me to call the police? Don’t get me wrong, most of the time I’m a huge fan of the metro and tram. Prague is very beautiful indeed and the trams are extremely punctual. However, I am psychologically scarred from seeing that ‘toucher’ in the underground and people setting fire to each other at Krejcárek tram stop. Bye.

Prague’s public transport: the underground

It has been said that:

What about that time, over x.y.z months ago? When my eyes saw something that worried me and alarmed me a great deal. To a man’s face, I absolutely screamed at him, between Křižíkova and Florenc, “Don’t touch her ! ! !! !! Don’t touch her! Don’t touch her! Don’t touch her!! !” By that point, I was pretty hysterical. That man was actually holding his baby, he was with a young child, and even a woman who was presumably his wife. Despite all this, he dangerously pushed a Czech woman, trying to attack her, hence I screamed. By the time I exited at Florenc station, everybody could hear me screaming “Don’t touch her!”