I enjoy watching ‘Downton Abbey’. Why?


Yeah, as I watch ‘Downton Abbey’, well, I started watching it on TV in Hong Kong, the local TV channel bought the series. Lots of handsome sexy gorgeous men, why wouldn’t I watch Downton Abbey? So, I watch Downton Abbey. You know me. Can’t say no to sexy gorgeous men.
There are many more reasons why I like Downton Abbey, beyond handsome men wearing beautiful clothes. Like, I find the dialogues to be witty, the history is interesting, it is asking me questions about my own life, it is showing me how people get on with their lives and how I could be doing it. It’s so English. They’ve done so much work with the costumes on-set. It’s a really good TV show/ soap opera, in many ways. It’s fun. It’s dazzling. I like many characters of Downton Abbey. 
My Uncle Bob was particularly fond of Mr. Carson. But then he is probably … kindaaaaaa… quite a nutter… If I don’t have him to talk to about Downton Abbey, I could always go out to find somebody else to talk to, about Downton Abbey! 
And if people like to watch Downton Abbey because they like to look at beautiful ladies, then I can’t complain.