Chinese restaurant in Prague- missing an English-language menu (Dáme jídlo)

We have been having communications with the owners of a Chinese restaurant based in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. They got a Czech-language menu on the portal (Dáme jídlo), but they are lacking an English-language menu. Here is why the ‘boss’ of the restaurant business may feel motivated to add the English language to immediately:

Simplified Chinese:

在布拉格,有好多美国人、意大利人、葡萄牙人 、罗马利亚人 有专业的工作 比如说 : 项目经理、办公室经理等等。董事长。副董事长。他们的消费能力很强。可是,他们是看不懂捷克语的。

你多捞点顾客嘛!!!无妨!我知道好多银行家 、办公室经理已经在吃你的饭了。不会嫌弃增多一两个顾客啊!我的捷克大叔朋友说你餐厅那里的中国水饺好吃。他吃了再吃!他本来说他不喜欢吃中国菜。原来是相反的!呵呵!

Traditional Chinese:

在布拉格,有好多美國人、意大利人、葡萄牙人 、羅馬利亞人 有專業的工作 比如說 : 項目經理、辦公室經理等等。董事長。副董事長。他們的消費能力很強。可是,他們是看不懂捷克語的。

你多撈點顧客嘛! ! !無妨!我知道好多銀行家 、辦公室經理已經在吃你的飯了。不會嫌棄增多一兩個顧客啊!我的捷克大叔朋友說你餐廳那裡的中國水餃好吃。他吃了再吃!他本來說他不喜歡吃中國菜。原來是相反的!呵呵!

I enjoy watching ‘Downton Abbey’. Why?


Yeah, as I watch ‘Downton Abbey’, well, I started watching it on TV in Hong Kong, the local TV channel bought the series. Lots of handsome sexy gorgeous men, why wouldn’t I watch Downton Abbey? So, I watch Downton Abbey. You know me. Can’t say no to sexy gorgeous men.
There are many more reasons why I like Downton Abbey, beyond handsome men wearing beautiful clothes. Like, I find the dialogues to be witty, the history is interesting, it is asking me questions about my own life, it is showing me how people get on with their lives and how I could be doing it. It’s so English. They’ve done so much work with the costumes on-set. It’s a really good TV show/ soap opera, in many ways. It’s fun. It’s dazzling. I like many characters of Downton Abbey. 
My Uncle Bob was particularly fond of Mr. Carson. But then he is probably … kindaaaaaa… quite a nutter… If I don’t have him to talk to about Downton Abbey, I could always go out to find somebody else to talk to, about Downton Abbey! 
And if people like to watch Downton Abbey because they like to look at beautiful ladies, then I can’t complain.

A Western European person feels baffled by ‘Czech’ or pseudo-Czech goulash

It has been said that: “What the hell is goulash? So I’ve been living in the Czech Republic for five years, and I am still not sure what THAT IS. Don’t get me wrong. The taste of it is pleasant. WHATEVER IT ACTUALLY IS.”

I was looking for a carrot… I got a helicopter.

Oh! Parts of the beginning of chapter 12 of “New Jerusalem News” by John Enright is “absolutely fascinating”? How so? Explain! ! !
I didn’t know what that food was – what they are talking about. So I had to look up images in some kind of an encyclopedia. 

Don’t get me wrong. I love bivalves in general. To eat them, not to use them for decoration. Scallops… … my friends fed stir-fries of scallops with pods of peas to me in Hong Kong. Delicious. Oysters and clams are ok. Mussels are ok. 
I had no idea that the book existed. I went onto google. I wrote: “relative culinary merits of…” so, for example, if anyone wanted to compare roast beef with roast lamb; if anyone wanted to compare this pie with that pie; if anyone wanted to compare broccoli to leek; if anyone wanted to compare Lancashire hotpot with Irish hotpot; if anyone wanted to compare a watermelon with a banana; if anyone wanted to compare gravy with cranberry sauce; but I didn’t find Lancashire hotpot with carrots, meat, and potatoes. I found a helicopter
Would you rather get a carrot, or a helicopter? In the TV show “Hunter Street”, the adopted daughter Anika even said that Argentina was the same thing as Antartica, which I found really hilarious. She’s so cute. Especially when she was f**king around at the local library, pretending that she was totally clueless about the fact that the method of getting from the ground floor of the library to the third floor of the library was to walk upstairs to get to the third floor. I love her nonsense. She is very lovely and pretty too. Well, if you follow Anika’s principle, then a carrot is the same thing as a helicopter. Hilarious. 

A household in Prague is low on manpower- let’s watch MasterChef Junior

Among friends, we are talking about this. Our friend is a single parent with two children. There isn’t enough help to get all the cooking and cleaning done, as the father is working full-time and there is no mother.

This week, let’s get your girl watching MasterChef Junior! Here is some of season 6. Is she going to help you cook soon? At least, do some of it!

It’s my cheeky idea, the cheeky plan to get your girl hooked on the MasterChef Junior TV show. Get her obsessed with cooking. Then, before you know it, she’ll help you slice up tomatoes, boil pasta, wow, imagine that!!!! !!! !
Look! The little kids take eggs!

Look! ! ! ! Mikey is 10 years old! !!!!!!

Look! ! !!!!!!!

D. Koroncziova

“MASTERCHEF JUNIOR gives talented kids between the ages of 8 and 13 the chance to showcase their culinary abilities and passion for food through a series of delicious challenges. The hit culinary competition series features world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay, acclaimed chef Aarón Sánchez and nutrition expert, author and new judge Daphne Oz.”